CryptoZombies is an interactive code school that teaches you to write smart contracts in Solidity through building your own crypto-collectables game.
Tech Stack:Solidity, Web3.js, MetaMask, and Infura
Travelpedia is a SaaS wiki collaboration tool built using Ruby on Rails. Standard users can create public wikis while premium users can create and collaborate on private wikis.
Tech Stack:Ruby on Rails, Stripe, Devise, Pundit, Figaro, Redcarpet and Faker.
Bloccit is a Reddit inspired application built with Ruby on Rails. Users can sign up, create posts, comment on posts, vote on posts, favorite posts and receive updates on their favorite posts via email.
Tech Stack:Ruby on Rails, Rspec, SendGrid, Figaro and FactoryBot.
Kele is an API Client GEM built to access the student endpoints of Bloc's REST API. Students can access mentor availability, send/receive messages and submit checkpoints for work completed.
Tech Stack:Ruby, HTTParty Gem and JSON Gem.
I grew up on the ocean and always dreamed of explorers charting new courses and circumnavigating the globe on their quest for discovery and adventure.
I especially enjoyed the Renaissance's age of exploration and enlightenment.
Well, if only I could have lived during those days and experiencend the life of a Renaissance Explorer! After obtaining my Mechanical Engineering degree and relocating across country, I started my Aerospace career. This enabled me to thrive as a curious global traveler in search of adventure.
Over my 20 year aerospace career I have flown enough miles to circumnavigate the earth over 75 times, landed on six continents, entered over 40 countries and visited over 80 cities!
My continued quest to explore the world and continuous learning have led me to full stack web development and blockchain technology.